Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pity party

I told myself I wasn't going to whine or complain. I want to keep a positive attitude. But I think letting it out might help. I'm sick. The little guy had the niffles last week and then this past weekend Marc developed a full blown cold. I started pounding the vitamin C and echinacea, hoping to ward it away, but it hit me yesterday. Its one of those sore throat, fuzzy brain colds. I'm not sure if I can run 50 miles on this. And if I can't, I'm not sure whether I'd rather DNF or DNS. I do know that we'll make the trip up to the mountains no matter what. The thought of not being able to run this race is enough to make me sick in itself and I'm trying to not get too anxious about this. I'm trying to absorb energy and inspiration from all the Vermont100, Tahoe and Badwater reports. There have been times in the past when I wished I had an excuse to not have to run a race. This is not one of those times. I've never wanted to run a race more than this one. Perhaps I just need to let those feelings go and relax. Hopefully a lot can change in two days and I'll be ready to go Saturday morning.